i-LEAP K1 Phonics


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Series i-LEAP K1 Phonics

Type Cousebook & Activity Book for Kindergarten K1

Title & ISBN

  • DPAE1006 i-LEAP K1 Phonics Coursebook A (9781781872857)
  • DPAE1007 i-LEAP K1 Phonics Activity Book A (9781781872864)
  • DPAE1008 i-LEAP K1 Phonics Coursebook B (9781781872871)
  • DPAE1009 i-LEAP K1 Phonics Activity Book B (9781781872888)


i-LEAP is a systematic programme specially designed to guide preschool children in learning English, Maths and Science subjects. This programme is developed in consultation with educational experts from University Technology Malaysia (UTM). This series also in line with CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Language)

Core Philosophy:

1. Based on the 5E Model of Instruction

  • Engage (Children's interest and curiosity towards subject matter are piqued)
  • Explore (Children are guided to further explore ideas and subject matter)
  • Explain (Children explain about the subject matter based on their own understanding)
  • Extend (Children are guided to apply what they have learnt in a new and different situation)
  • Evaluate (Children evaluate and assess their own knowledge and skill)

2. To create a 5i Learning Experience 

  • Interactive
  • Imagination
  • Innovation
  • Informative
  • Impactful

To help develop the 4C’s of the 21st Century Learning

  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Collaboration
  • Creativity

Year of Publication 2022

Publisher Dickens Publishing Ltd (UK)

Size W 21.5 x H 28cm 

Pages 32

Colour 4c (Coursebook) 2c (Activity Book)

Pelangi Publishing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

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