Nursery Buddies English Reader 2 (2024)

SKU : BGAE1002


THB 76.50

THB 85.00

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Code 8858722004132

Title Nursery Buddies English Reader 2

Type Reader Preschool (Nursery)


  • Nursery Buddies English encourages children to recognise the lower-case letters and learn simple words.
  • Contents are divided into two books which are a to m letters and n to z letters, which help children achieve their goal easily.
  • Pictures are provided for letter recognition.
  • This series consists of Nursery Buddies English, Nursery Buddies Maths and Nursery Buddies Science. Each subject comes with two main books and two activity books.
  • Nursery Buddies series helps stimulate interest in learning and build 21s century skills.
  • The books of this series also help develop Higher Order Thinking Skills
  • (HOTS) which are thought processes that go beyond memorisation of facts. They require more complicated thought processes.


  • n-z
  • Let’s revise

Year of Publication 2024

Size W 21 x H 29.7 cm (A4)

Pages 32

Paper Bond Paper 80 gsm

Colour 4c

Special Features

The two main books of each subject provide attractive stickers for more fun.


Pelangi Publishing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

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