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ISBN 9789830095387
Title 两只马来犀鸟宝宝
Series 关爱动物故事集
Type หนังสือเสริมความรู้ภาษาจีน Learn Chinese 学中文
我们的世界有许多独特的动物。但遗憾的是,其中一些动物有灭绝的危险。动物濒临灭绝的主要原因是栖息地遭到破坏,非法狩猎和环境污染。 此系列是特为提高小朋友关爱濒危动物意识而编写的。了解它们是拯救它们的第一步。随着小朋友的成长,他们将理解保护这些动物的必要性
Our world is bestowed with many animals that are unique in their own. But sadly, of these animals are in danger of becoming extinct. The main causes of animals becoming endangered are the loss of habitat, illegal hunting and pollution. This series is specially created to raise awareness in little children about animals that are endangered. Having knowledge about them is the first step towards saving them. As children grow up, they will understand the need to help protect these animals. The captivating illustrations and engaging text will make this series an interesting read.
Feature Includes QR codes that are linked to videos showing the real animals
Age 5+
Pages 32
Size W 9.8 inch H 9.8 inch
Colour 4C
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