English Grammar Charts Set



THB 2,250.00

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ISBN 9555007204919

Title English Grammar Charts Set

Type Teaching Aids (Grammar)


A collection of 16 interesting charts to expose and equip young learners with more knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. With the use of simple sentences and colorful illustrations, those young learners will no longer find learning grammar a chore.


  • Eat and Drink
  • Up and Down
  • A, An, The
  • In or On?
  • Orange, oranges
  • I, You, We
  • Airport or Zoo?
  • And, Or, But
  • Ouch!
  • My Pet, Your Garden
  • Slowly, Softly
  • Yes or No?
  • Hop or Fly?
  • What or Which?
  • Big, Bigger, Biggest
  • Lisa's and Bob's

Age 5+

Size 584mm x 890mm

Charts 16 pieces

Colour 4c

Pelangi Publishing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

สำนักพิมพ์ เพอลังอิ พับลิชชิ่ง (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด

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