Basic Grammar Workbook 1

SKU : WEPC11123


THB 189.00

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New Cover ISBN 9789811729362

Old Cover ISBN 9789811148217

Title Basic Grammar Workbook 1

Type Workbook Primary

Publisher Praxis Publishing Singapore Pte. Ltd.


Basic Grammar Workbook series is a collection of six full-colour hands-on graded topic-based workbooks for effective learning. The array of 100 exercises helps learners familiarise themselves with the basic rules of English grammar with ease and confidence.

  • Graded and topic-based exercises that strengthen understanding of specific grammar items based on different levels of language competency
  • Complete answers for easy reference and self-assessment
  • Varied questions with selected illustrations that provide drills on analytical answering and image-text association skills


  • Nouns - common and proper nouns
  • Nouns - singular and plural nouns
  • Nouns - countable and uncountable nouns
  • Nouns - countable and uncountable nouns (many and much)
  • Nouns - countable and uncountable nouns (a few and a little)
  • Pronouns - personal pronouns

Size 190 mm x 260 mm

Pages 144

Colour 4c

Year 2023

Pelangi Publishing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

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