SKU : DPKE0103
Price |
THB 175.50 THB 195.00 (-10%) |
Quantity to buy | |
Total | THB 175.50 |
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ISBN 9781907580703
Title Birds
Series AR Flash Cards
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- Interactive flashcards brilliantly illustrated with thematic visuals to help very young learners establish and expand their vocabulary. Inquizitive questions are made available at the back of each card to encourage conversation, making the cards suitable for group games and paired or individual activities, especially for practicing early communication skills.
- The Dickens AR app lets children scan the flashcards and watch them turn into 360-degree animations!
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Age 4+
Type Card
Language English
Product consists of:
- 25 cards
- âDickens ARâ Application
Product Dimensions W 12.2 x H 16 x D 2.9 cm
Weight 170 g
Publisher Dickens Publishing Ltd.