厨房里的怪物 The Monster in the Kitchen

SKU : SGSB4104


THB 71.25

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ISBN 9789830096377

Title 厨房里的怪物 The Monster in the Kitchen

Series 我爱妈妈 I Love Mum

Type หนังสือเสริมความรู้ภาษาจีน Learn Chinese 学中文


这个系列经过精心策划的故事书在让小朋友叹为观止之余还能寓教于乐, 学习到宝贵的一课。

This series will surely captive children and fill them with wonder and awe. The stories are curated to ensure that children will not only have fun reading, but will learn valuable lessons too.



Age 5+

Language English & Chinese

Pages 24

Size 228.6mm x 228.6mm

Colour 4C

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